About Byron Rose


Many lessons and hard work were quickly learned growing up on a farm. Highly involved in various 4-H activities helped me learn leadership. High school sports taught me to effectively compete and interact with others.

After High school, I graduated form Morehead State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree. While in college, I had the opportunity to gain valuable experience working in construction: designing and building houses.

After college, a career in plastics provided me new directions to explore working in Sales, Marketing, Production and Manufacturing Engineering.

This diversified background enabled me to obtain seven design patents for plastic products with Fortune 500 Companies. I am a member of Rotary, Elks, Chamber of Commerce, Scioto Valley Board of Realtors, and the Columbus Board of Realtors..

My wife, K.J., and I live on a farm in Pickaway County and have one son Bret.

I am a different kind of Real Estate Broker, highly motivated and diversified to help you buy or sell your properties.